Hey Y'all

Hey Y'all

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Well, with Halloween soon approaching, there are all kinds of activities going on. Last Wednesday, Layne had her 1st field trip. Her class went to a pumpkin patch at a local church. She got to go with all her friends and pick out her own pumpkin - she thinks she's so big - she had a great time.

This is Layne's new BFF, Logan.
After the field trip, Layne went back to PDO, and I went and had lunch with Sam at school. (Every Wednesday I have lunch with either Josie or Sam - last week was Sam's turn.) Anyway, after lunch the kids get a quick recess. I just had to get a picture of this. This is Sam playing "football" with all his buddies. Tackle football I might add, and yes, it is imaginary. (Sam's wearing the black shirt, in front of the tree.)
On Saturday we headed about 45 minutes out of town to the big pumpkin patch. (Everyone in Lubbock has been raving about this pumpkin patch. We are used to AppleWorks, which is awesome, so this pumpkin patch didn't quite measure up. We actually drove right past it, Adrian and I looked at eachother and said, "That can't be it!" - after driving for 10 more minutes, we turned around. Sure enough, that was it!) The kids didn't mind though. They had fun at the "petting zoo" (all the animals were fenced in) feeding the animals.

And they also enjoyed all the photo ops. Adrian and I just had to get our picture with the pumpkin bug.

Josie is very crafty and likes to have a good time. So, a couple of weeks ago, she made all of us mailboxes, taped these mailboxes to our bedroom doors, and inside the mailbox was an envelope with an invitation to a costume party at our house. Well, the costume party was Saturday night - and let me tell you, it was a Blast! (Adrian and I were just praying that nobody would knock on the front door.)

FYI, on Sunday afternoon we drained the swimming pool. The kids are really bummed.
Last night we carved pumpkins! Josie always goes for the simple pumpkin face, Sam always wants a scary face, and Layne always wants a sweet baby face. I think their pumpkins have looked the same for 3 years now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the pics of the pumpkin patch-good job picking and carving them. Sam, I liked the pic of you and your friends at school playing tackle football. Josie, good job on the costume party you planned. Layne, your friend Logan is a cutie (almost as cute as you!). Love you all. Mamaw