Hey Y'all

Hey Y'all

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Big week for Josie!

Last Friday Josie was invited to a special lunch in honor of the kids that won the "Run for the Team Contest". (This is the same contest when she drew the poster a few months ago and was recognized at the football game.) They had the lunch at the bank headquarters. So she got to skip school (at least the lunch part of school). She was so excited and nervous! They presented her with a framed certificate, a photo album full of pics from the football game, and a form for her to fill out to receive her $100 savings bond. After the lunch, we went to claim the bond, and Josie got to sign her own name(in cursive) on the form. We are so proud of her!

On Monday night Josie lost her 5th tooth! (The bottom right - She lost that top one over 9 months ago - we're still waiting for it to come in!)
Adrian loves gardening! He has discovered a new way to garden though. Basically you use storage bins, fill them with potting soil and plant the seeds in there. The beauty of gardening this way, you can have an indoor garden and have produce all year long. This is a picture of Adrian with his first tomato off his indoor, storage bin tomato plant - he was so excited! As you can see behind him, the plant in huge!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Josie looks so big! I HATE IT! I miss those kids so much, give them lots and lots of kisses from me! You know I don't usually cry, and I actually teared up a little looking at the pics!