Hey Y'all

Hey Y'all

Monday, August 25, 2008

First Day of School

Well, we started school today in Lubbock, Texas. Josie and Sam were excited and anxious and Layne was upset that she didn't get to go. We only live 2 blocks from the school, so riding the bus isn't an option, so we dropped the kids off at 7:45 - the only letter that we have gotten from the school was regarding the school start time and in bold print it strongly encouraged everyone to arrive to school on time so they would not miss the Pledge of allegiance, the pledge to the Texas Flag, and the moment of silence - so we made sure they weren't late! And as far as everything else, we are still unpacking and getting settled. We all like Lubbock and our pool is getting plenty of use - it's about 10ft. deep with a diving board - Sam was doing flips on day 2 and Layne has already learned to swim without her floaties. I'll do better about taking pictures and making this blog more interesting - but this is all new for me. We will let you know how school went later on.


Vicki said...

I'm SO excited you have a blog! I will totally be stalking you every day - no pressure - lol! Praying for your family many times each day - knowing you are showing His light and broadening His kingdom! Blessings, Vicki

Amanda said...

I am so proud of you! I can't believe you got the blog going! We miss you so much, and I can't wait for you to meet your newest niece! We love you guys!