Hey Y'all

Hey Y'all

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

So Much To Say!

Last Monday Ron and Cheryl (aka - Papaw and Mamaw) came for a visit. We didn't tell the kids they were coming, so they were very happy and excited to see them - and Sophie (the little white ball of fluff).
Tuesday was Adrian's Birthday. We made his favorite breakfast, met him for lunch at Rudy's -his favorite BBQ, then took him out for dinner at Cagel's - a local ranch that he loves!

Josie Loved the horse shoe chair at Cagels!

We then came home for apple pie and presents. Sam got him a cross necklace, Josie got him a Captain America bobble head, and Layne got him campfire wood - I guess he got everything he wished for!

Thursday was Layne's 4th Birthday. We took her out for lunch at Souper Salad. It's this place in Lubbock with a huge Soup, Salad, Potato, Pizza, Bread , and an Ice Cream Sundae Bar with sprinkles! She wanted to have a Baby party - she loved it! I just can't believe my baby is 4! We had a nice party - smaller than we are used to, but it was good. (Thank you to all that came and sent gifts!!!!)

This is a video clip of the party. (Just click on the play button) Enjoy!

Ron, Cheryl, and Sophie headed back to Indiana on Friday morning, then on Friday night we drove 5 hours to Albuquerque, New Mexico, for the international balloon fiesta. Brenda's parents live close, so they were kind enough to let us stay with them. We got up bright and early on Saturday morning and headed to the balloon fiesta. It was a beautiful morning with lots of people and balloons. The kids loved seeing all the different balloons - I think the Darth Vader was Sam's favorite - we got to see Darth, storm troopers, sand people, and Boba Fett - with his jet pack! Then we ran into Glen Plake, a legend in the skiing world. We of coarse had to get a picture because Adrian has always been a big fan and Sam loved his Mohawk- he loved Sam's hawk as well! After the balloon fiesta we headed up into the Sandia Mountains. We went for a hike/nature walk as the kids like to call it - we caught grass hoppers, inch worms, leaves, rocks, and sticks that can easily be used as walking sticks and weapons! It was a nice to get outside and do something besides swimming! We all had a great time. And just before heading down the mountain, the kids were sworn in as Junior Rangers. (I think they are now officially Junior Rangers at 5 National Parks.) On Sunday afternoon we headed back to Lubbock and I think we are all still catching up on rest from all the festivities of last week!


Anonymous said...

You take such good pics! The balloon fiesta looked like it was awesome and the kids got to meet some cool characters. We enjoyed our stay in Texas, it was great to see everyone. Miss you kids alot! Love you all.

joviesmom said...

Oh my gosh... my mom and dad and sister and her family were there!!! my sister and her fam. just moved to ABQ. at the end of Aug.. what a small world.... Jen.