Hey Y'all

Hey Y'all

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Saturday at the Ranch!

On Saturday we went out to a friends ranch. It was a beautiful day and so nice to get out, away from the city. We met the Duby family and the adults got in some target practice while the kids played and got really dirty. I know you all would love pics of me shooting, so sorry I didn't get any - I didn't have enough arms and don't like asking people to take pics of me. Just be thankful for the ones I did get.

This is a picture of Sam with a piece of a dead alligator gar. Don't ask - I was just glad it wasn't a piece of a snake!

This is a picture of Sam last week right before walking out the door to school. He insisted on wearing his REAL leather cowboy vest!
Those of you that really know Josie, know how much she loves her TV time. Everyday after school it is the 1st thing she does. Now she has a friend to join her.
Once we got home on Saturday Sam crashed. Then on Sunday Josie crashed. I think they have the flu. They were both home from school yesterday, and today Sam went back, but Josie is still home. I'm just praying Layne and I don't get it!
Have a Happy Valentine's Day!

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