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Friday, August 29, 2008

School Update

We made it through our first week of school. Josie and Sam did fine and Layne was bored out of her mind all she wanted to do was go shopping. Josie thought the first few days were good - she made some new friends and likes all her teachers. But she HATES the restrooms because the stalls are really short and the doors don't lock, and apparently in Texas you learn cursive in 2nd grade (you learn cursive in 3rd Grade in Indiana) - she was dreading learning cursive anyway, but on the first day of school she was told all her Friday spelling tests would be graded in cursive - so she had to learn cursive in 3 days - she has her spelling test today and is really nervous! She has done really well learning cursive so quickly - but you all know she is a perfectionist and doesn't hurry doing anything, so it takes her a little longer than most to write out the spelling words - spelling isn't the problem (she never misspelled one word last year) - she just wants to make sure she has all the cursive written correctly. So I'm praying that her teacher will be patient with her and wait for her to write the whole word before moving on to the next word she has 20 words total. And Sam has made some new friends also, and has already been invited to a Transformer birthday party. His favorite part of school is that he has his own locker (not to be confused with a cubby - it's a real locker). He also loves that he has P.E. everyday and loves eating lunch and school. Some of the kids told him that they liked his Mohawk and I asked him if he has seen anyone else with a Mohawk and he said "No, I think it's new here." So he's breaking the mold in Lubbock! And yesterday I was getting his backpack ready for the day when a little lizard ran out and across my leg and hid in a corner of the kitchen - Sam set up a booby trap immediately! He got out a Ziploc baggie, surrounded the corner where the lizard was hiding and said, "Now when he comes out he will run straight into the baggie. Mom, all you have to do is zip up the bag and save it for me for when I get home!" Thankfully we have not seen the lizard, so I didn't have to zip it up in a baggie. (Josie wasn't too happy that we hadn't found it and was afraid to go to sleep.) So, overall it was a good week.

The first few days Layne and I walked Josie and Sam all the way up to the building, but we have promoted to pulling up to the curb and letting them jump out of the car and walk to the building alone. The first time they did this was so funny - they held hands and waved to Layne and I the whole way.

We finally got a fridge on Tuesday night, so on Wednesday Layne and I went grocery shopping - Layne was thrilled. She wore her favorite shoes and took her baby and she got to push her own shopping cart (she only ran over and into my feet 7 times - I think our next day out together will be to get a pedicure!) We still need to get a bed for Layne, so right now she is sleeping in the top of Josie's bed. (Layne talked Josie into sleeping up top with her one night - I don't think Josie will be doing that again! Layne will start PDO next Wednesday from 8:30 - 2:45 - she (and I) are really excited. Her teachers names are Miss Jennifer and Miss Cammy - but doesn't like their names so she won't say them.
Our pool has been a lifesaver - it's all the kids want to do - they have become quite the little fishies!

Sam's "one-knee ball"

Adrian's handstand

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