Hey Y'all

Hey Y'all

Thursday, September 4, 2008

3 Little Monkeys

Last Friday Josie did a wonderful job on her spelling test and her teacher didn't have to wait for her to finish writing any of her words! We stayed around the house for our holiday weekend. We unpacked more boxes, stripped wall paper, and swam of course!

On Tuesday Josie and Sam started gymnastics. Layne had previously decided that she wanted to do ballet - not gymnastics - which was fine with me, because ballet would only cost $15 for 10 lessons, while gymnastics is $55 a month (per kid), not to mention, last winter Layne took gymnastics at the community center in Franklin ($30 for 8 Lessons) and she sat in the corner of the room and looked at everyone like they were stupid. But, on Tuesday as we were walking out the door, she had a melt down and changed her mind - she now wanted to go gymnastics (wonderful!). Ballet doesn't start until the end of September, so I let her put on leotard and told her I would see if there was room for her in the 4 year old class, and if there was, she'd better participate! Sure enough they had room and I explained to them the situation, and they were kind enough to let her try it out for the night and told me to let them know if I wanted to enroll her. She did great! And so did Josie and Sam!

Josie is in a class with 2nd and 3rd grade girls, Sam is in a class with K and 1st grade boys, and Layne is in a class with 3 and 4 year old girls. And the best part is, all three classes are an hour long, on the same day, at the same time. They loved it and wanted to go back on Wednesday! After class, Sam's teacher introduced himself and confirmed with me that Sam had never taken gymnastics before - he was surprised by that and told me what a great job Sam did. He explained that Sam had a lot of natural ability and upper body strength and said that Sam doesn't seem to be afraid of anything. I told him "No, he's pretty much fearless and he wants to be a stunt man when he grows up - which was why I enrolled him in gymnastics - so he could how learn to use his body properly." I tried to get better pictures of all the kids - most of Sam's pictures turned out to be a big blur (like Dash in the Incredibles)- he was just non-stop! And while I was watching the kids, I met another mom. Her name is Robin. Her family of 6 just moved to Lubbock from Ohio and she is stay at home mom too. So, that was nice to have someone to talk to who is going through a similar "adventure".

On Wednesday Layne started PDO. She was SO EXCITED! She had a great time and when I asked her if she made any new friends she said "Mom, there is a cowboy that likes me - he's a little one." I said "Really, did he have a cowboy hat on?" She said, "No, not a cowboy hat or boots, but he had a cowboy jacket on and he likes me!" I asked, "What's his name?" She said, "I don't know, but he's a Real Cowboy!" So, I guess overall, PDO was a success.


Anonymous said...

Excellant, We miss all of you

Anonymous said...

anonymous is really Papaw!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe amazingly beautiful your children are!! Well, of course, i can...look at you and Adrian, right?! How cool that you started a blog! Leah has one too. so, what does adrian do down there for work? -(tara)

Julie said...

I was wondering if/when I would hear from you!! It sounds and looks like you are all doing great! I'm glad to see you made it to Texas safely. I'm posting your blog as a favorite so I can keep up to date. One question...will you be mailing my Starbuck's drinks now? :)

Julie said...

Hi, Josie! You did a great job on your spelling test. Your cursive is beautiful. I am so proud of you. Enjoy that pool. It sure looks like fun!

Mrs. Dawson

Julie said...

Hey, Sam! How is 1st grade? I heard that you were invited to a Transformers birthday party! That should be lots of fun. I like your hair. I bet your friends will all be wearing it the same way soon. Have fun on your diving board.

Mrs. Dawson

Julie said...

Hi, Layne. I can't believe how big you are! And your hair is so long. I hope you are having fun at your new house. Take mommy out for a pedicure. You'll like it, too

Mrs. Dawson

Anonymous said...

Josie, I am so proud of you and your cursive---Keep up the good work. I am also glad that you are all enjoying gymnastics. Let me know how the "Cowboy friend" is going for Layne. And Sam, I always new you would be a trendsetter (your hair!). Love and miss you all, Mamaw

Anonymous said...

Emily, I've been looking at your blog weekly. I copy it and take it to Grandma's on Sundays. did you know Grandpa broke his foot. He's gained weight since he can't walk around much. He looks really good!
They lost power for three days because of the hurricane winds that hit us. You all look like your fitting in well there! Tell the whole family hello for me. Love, Aunt Sarah