Hey Y'all

Hey Y'all

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Texas Life

Well, we had a busy weekend. On Saturday we got up and went to "downtown" Lubbock for the Cowboy Symposium. Cowboys from all over the US come and they have chuck wagons, the cowboys cook for you, they have trick roping competitions, cowboy poetry, music, stories, etc. and Indians too! It all kicks off with the parade of horses - which was a big hit, of course.

Texas Tech's - Masked Rider!
Rodeo Queen

Our neighbor, across the street from us, is one of the cowboys with a chuck wagon - the kids think it's pretty cool that a real cowboy lives next to us.

The Kids are hot next to the Chuck Wagon!

The Indians had a big pow-wow, and Sam and Josie went out in the middle and danced with them. (Sam was a little nervous because Jason keeps teasing him that he better watch out because the Indians will scalp him - but he danced with Josie in the pow-wow anyway!)

On Sunday we had a Colts party (at the Duby's). Long Story - We would have had it at our house, but Brenda's parents were in town, Jason's uncle was in town visiting his dad, John, and we invited Chaz, (an employee and his wife), and John's freezer had broke on Saturday, so all his meat went to Jason's. (If you know John , that's a lot of meat so it needed to be eaten!) So, since Jason and Brenda have more than a card table, and they had a grill and the meat - they offered to have the Colts party at their house - we gladly accepted! Too bad the Colts Lost!

Today Adrian is flying back to Indiana to get his truck, tools, and a second load of all our stuff (Just in case you didn't know, not all of our stuff made it in the moving truck a month ago.) So hopefully he will be back tomorrow and we can continue to get settled!

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