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Hey Y'all

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Another Fun week in Texas!

On Thursday Layne woke up begging to go shopping - it's all she wants to do. So, I told her she needed to talk to her daddy. The conversation went as follows: "Daddy, can me and mommy go shopping?" "What do you need to go shopping for?" "I don't know, I just like to go shopping - I just want to look." "Well, I guess if you just need to look, then I guess you can go." So, we went browsing. She has a birthday coming up, so we went out to find things she might want put on a birthday list. Anytime we are around shoes she has to try ALL of them on - just to make sure they fit, or in most cases, don't fit. Anyway, she loved these shoes. - They were the kind of shoes that just make a girl feel good!
On Thursday it rained all day. It had been raining off and on on Tuesday and Wednesday, but Thursday it was nonstop. So much, that it was the most rain Lubbock had ever gotten in a 24 hour period in history. It surpassed the 100 year flood, causing major flooding, so schools and everything else was canceled on Friday. (By Friday afternoon everything was dried up.) But Josie and Sam got to stay home - we were all happy about that! But the following is a picture of the kids by 9 in the morning. Since they had to stay home I made them clean their rooms. I had gone into Josie's room to check on the progress and Layne had on old play clothes, a scarf tying her hair back, and was on the floor cleaning - Josie was sitting on her bed and just looked at me and said, "She's Cinderella." Josie has a way of knowing how to get what she wants - she's our negotiator - she has been since she could talk. So anyway, 5 minutes later Sam came around the corner into the kitchen and said, "It's good to be in a tux again!" Apparently cleaning had been put on hold, Sam had turned into prince charming, Layne (Cinderella) got dressed in her beautiful pink ball gown, that the animals helped make, and Josie was now the wicked step-mother.
On Saturday we (Adrian) started remodeling the house. He tore out part of the wall between the entryway and the kitchen. During the whole process Layne asked Adrian, "Daddy, why are you breaking the house?" It looks really good - I can't wait to paint!


Anonymous said...

Josie, Sam and Layne are so funny!! I love the "Cinderella" imaginations! I also love the shoes that Layne tried on----did you buy them? Did the bedrooms get cleaned up? The house looks like it is coming along nicely. Love you all.

Anonymous said...

Layne is so cute in those little shoes.They look like prom dress shoes!! haha she is so funny.And i love the cinderella dress up party.they are getting so big! miss you, love you guys.