Hey Y'all

Hey Y'all

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

April in Texas!

I just wanted to tell y'all sorry I didn't post anything last week. The previous week turned out to be very uneventful. But we made up for it, and had a very exciting week last week!
So, last Wednesday, the kids and I came home to a big (or little) surprise - Adrian had brought home 4 baby chicks! (I was hoping it was an April Fools joke, but they are still here.) Adrian plans to build a coop out back and we will start getting eggs in 5-6 months (that is, assuming they are all girls - if any turn out to be boys - well, then we will be eating Fried Chicken!) We keep reminding the kids that the chicks are not pets - we will not be naming them, and they will live outside - but Sam insisted on having a name for them, so he named them all Susan (#1,#2,#3,#4).

It gets VERY WINDY here in Texas, and on Thursday morning, we woke up to find a third of one of our trees down in the front yard. Adrian was excited though. His exact words were, "Well, it's free firewood!"

On Friday we packed up for a weekend of camping. We headed about an hour and 45 minutes away to Caprock Canyons. Unfortunately, it was really windy there, so we were back home in time for lunch on Saturday. We did manage to get a few pics and a little hike in. (FYI - you can click on any of these pics and you will be able to see a "bigger" pic - it's just makes it a little easier to see the kids faces!)

My attempt at a family photo op. - I didn't quite beat the timer on the camera - I tried really hard though!
Here is a zoomed in version of the previous pic - they were all cheering me on and yelling for me to HURRY!!!!

We did get one family pic - but like I said, it was really windy!

The kids always have to race on our hikes.

This is Sam climbing - he is the black figure in the middle of the big rock - or mountain - as the kids were calling it. (They have been in flat west Texas for too long!)

This is the zoomed in pic of Sam Climbing.

Here is Sam and a cactus that he liked.

The ride home!

When we got home we all took a long nap, then headed out back. We are in the process of opening the pool up, so while Adrian and I were cleaning it, Adrian told the kids they could swim - so they did! It was mid 70's outside, but the water temp was only like 64! They only swam for about 10 minutes, but that still counts right? So I guess our pool is now officially OPEN!

This is Sam playing the Wii (Links Crossbow). It's not an underwater game, but this is how he decided he wanted to play it on Sunday. (He's so funny, and I know Sam wearing a mask, to play a video game, doesn't surprise any of you!)

Baby Jacen has started eating cereal, and Layne is loving it! She loves to help feed him (really take care of him period)! The conversation I had with her yesterday, went as follows: Me: "So, who do you like feeding more? Baby Jacen or Baby Alive?" (Baby Alive is a baby doll that you feed and she talks and she goes potty in the toilet.) Layne (with a smile and look of concentration on her face): "I don't know who I like feeding more. I like to feed them both. Baby Alive doesn't make noises and grunt at me when I feed her, so I like to feed her better. But Baby Jacen is a real baby, and Baby Alive is just a baby doll, so I like to feed Jacen better."

Happy Easter!

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